Tag Archives: critical care nursing

Please help me get funding for 2013 trip to teach critical care nursing in Nepal

No, you do not have to send money; but I would truly appreciate a vote in this contest!

Background: There is a contest called the “Stay Thirsty Grant” which will award $25,000 to each of four finalists.  I submitted a video to the contest, and now I need as many votes and/or video views as possible before Oct 30th.

If I am a finalist, I still plan to self-fund my 2013 trip during summer break, but I can use the money to

a) bring more donated nursing textbooks;

b) fund some stipends to pay Nepali nurses who will help teach; and

c) buy some ACLS mannikins that will support the mega-code component of my teaching. I can also

d) bring the course more widely through the country.

The video can be found by clicking HERE, on Niemczura Stay Thirsty Grant October 2012.

PS people already told me there is no single “vote” button – I think the votes are tallied according to the number of YouTube video views. So – please share this as widely as you can.

I will keep you posted in case I am a finalist.

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Filed under ACLS, Nurses Brain, nursing education